Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Seasons In The Sun, Clowns And Poker Players, Cards And Coins, Games Played.

Blue Lights,  monkey years 2016, tales to share, stars to shine. Good times, tales and tips, of another life, friends of the family, tales of theirs, third party views. Trips to the heavens and back, time to spin a tale or two, bumps in the roads, lessons learned. Cartoon hits, cartoon shows, kids to watch, laughs tonight, good times. Sailor-stars, new to me, never had the time to stop. Stars to shine bright, stars out in the darkness, happy tales to share. Bumps in the road, potholes in the brick roads, trips to hell and back, stars to shine. Lights to shine, lights out in the sky, lights for the shining stars, trips to the moon, and back. 

Seven snakes, Steven Jarrot, Full Deck?7608512267... Love my gems, notes to share, minds open in exchange, dream to share, hopes and wishes, for more and better. Lovers and haters, life as one once, diamonds in the sky, love my gems, words to share. Third party, third period, in another life, pages to turn, not ready to go back wards, moving on. March to madness, march to win, songs to write, tales to be told.

Faces to see, seven snakes, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267- notes to take, classes on the sands of time.Tips now ▼  2014 (8)►  November (2)►  October (2)▼  September (2)Lyon Sacks: Jewish Style..Lyon Sacks: Fire and Ice: Hell Rings►  August (2) Just thankful for the lessons learned, with out the trips to the hospital to replace the missing part, thankful for another day on the right side of the grave. Graves to you and graves to me, death done on the wild side for the sex, drugs, and turns to sit on the faces of fools and frogs, hell hounds to date, whales on land, at the schools of hard knocks, UCLA butches, bitches and whales, for the BBWs moments on the fence of the tricks and trades.Happy for another day in the present, hopes for a better tomorrow.

 Tales to take one way or not, faces to changes, coins to flip, bees in the flowers, honey to eat. Black and yellow, honey bees, honey and flowers, flowers to treats. Sad and yellow, faces in candy, suckered for sugar, tales of sweets,  and sad, faces on a coin, cash or credit, life in one form, hands out to help, hands out to cheer, good times to start. Trips to the oceans blue, blue oceans to sail, seven is the number, ways to fly, ways to paths, mountains and ships. Captains of dreams, came for the ride, Peter will hooks, Captions that are rats, circles of dazes in the deep blue seas, games and oceans to ride.

Paths chosen tell story of dreams, wishes and desires, that happen to be prayers also, hope floats searching for a place to land, and these places with do nicely, if you believe in magic. Hope hopping helps those that fell down, and having a hard time turning around, and turning the pages to more and better dazes without the snakes, cattle and jackasses, in the hills, valleys, and canyons in Riverside county in California. Watch out for the worms in the drinks, and the snakes in the grass, and the fake friends known as the Bisexual White Jarrot Jewish Frog Army 2016, or a herd of donkeys. Bear In Woods, Bear Backs, Gays Tricks, Steven Jarrot...2014 (3).....(3)Good In Sweet Tips 2012: Lifeless Notes: Blue Star...Lifeless Notes: Blue Stars Above...July Star Bright: Blue Starr.

Horns to sound, goat and sheep, dazes in hell, dazes on the cross, sunny and bright, stars to shine at night. In to the woods, into the dark, angels and fairies to fall in the snakes. Games in skins, faces to changes, seasons and causes to do, hands to play, classes to pass, over time and space, good times, balls in the air.

Smokey Robinson & The Miracles-The Tears Of A Clown. Ways to go, times to dance, time to take a stand, not sad any longer, horse and pony shows. Rats and frogs, monkeys to fly, time on the top of the trees, monkeys to swingers, games in the dogwood trees, games to mate, lovers and haters in the woods. Tears of a clown, tears of a snake, tears of a frogs, to fly, meat on the table. Party and play with a frog, hot to hopes, hot in the pots of water. Hopping out one more time, after trips in the hot water, in the cycle of life. 

Smokey Robinson - Quiet Storm....March madness returns, angels, birds and bees, eagles to fly, prey in the air. Birds of prey, angles of eagles, angels to tag, games with light and darkness, girls to save, trips to hell and back, still standing, moving on, tales of lovers and haters, hats to halos.

Just My Imagination - The Temptations....Words to share, love and hate, one way, the kids to dream. Imaginations at work, running to better dazes, dreams in the air, butterflies to wings, birds and bees, dances on the sands of time. Joy and pains, bumps in the roads, lessons to be learn, good and bad, coins to flip, cards on the table, life and death, cards to flip. Deep inside views, smiles out of place, closets to the tears, growth and expands needed. Fun and games, stars to shine, moons to darkness, tales of lovers and haters.

Books to write. Birds and bees, songs to sing, birds in the air, gifts to share.....Family Affairs, Donkeys in the fields, Steven and Sheri Jarrot, Sima and Charles R., and Rachel Jarrot. Snakes and Worms. Once on the beach, fish and frogs, on the sands of time, angels and messages from the heavens, good luck from the seas. Tales of girls lost, broken and alone, in a land of dreams. Snakes and worms came out to play, games with hard knocks, back to the beach, for classes on love and hate, tricks and hats, hair and halo, hard to say. Bend and twisted, frogs and snakes, hats of the Jewish Races, Red Moons, Blue Starrs, Monkeys to see, races to run, good times, and tales of joys and pains, bumps in the road. Monkeys to dance around the mulberry trees, the dogwood trees, games in the woods.