The beat goes on, music and words dancing in my head, stories of yesterday, tales to share with the kids, need a driver, monkeys to drive. Giants on land, giants in real life, kings and knights, quests to complete. Heros, giants one way, cowboys and wild horses to ride. Texas Rangers, Texas Cowboys, churches for sinners and saints, joy to the worlds. Australia retain the Ashes , but a drawn series indicates there’s not much at all between these old foes. The series did not disappoint for ebb and flow and tension. Some abject failures & some heroic moments both ways. Next time it’s in Australia. See you pommy’s then.
Preach King ๐๐When no one cares cause L.A. is a pirates paradise ๐Faces in the darkness, good time toads, in and out of time, hits and misses, cheap tricks, dances in the sands of time.Preach King ๐Spiders, Snakes, Worms, Life Under The Surface, People Faces Turns.Think Clowns Are Creepy? Get Over It and Learn to Love the Art Think Clowns Are Creepy? Get Over It and Learn to Love the Art Explore Benefits that Help Veterans Thrive.Stay up, blessed & positive. Be There For Others.We are here to heal, not harm. Out Of Fucks To Give:No Free Rides.Everybody Has To Pay. When no one cares cause L.A. is a pirates paradise .
Pilar Dsilvas' Blog:Disney had always been magical to me! Happy Hits, winners and lowers life forms, frogs in the water, frogs in the house. Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set....Dances In Darkness, Frogs, Fools, Freaks, Good Time Tricks, Treats To Share. Homes, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Out Of Fucks To Give:No Free Rides.Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Love, Peace, And Happiness: Cons And Pros, Counting Heads. Music to play, songs to hear on the radio, good times. Drums for tones, drums for marking time.Out Of Fucks To Give:No Free Rides.Everybody Has To Pay.
My social worker has is it in for me and is going to make sure that my child is taken off me. ... the working relationship between social workers and parents can break down. ... The British Association of Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) is another useful .... They instead proceeded to put the children under protective services ...
"The number of children separated from their parents at the border since ... In a single year, 2016, the number of children placed in foster care ... equal to the number taken by U.S. child protective services (CPS) ... whose 7-year-old was taken away when he accidentally bought the ...... Assault Weapon Ban ...
- Child Protective Services social workers may act friendly but often turn ... The Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworker (who may or may not .... your child in a foster home and take away your right to be a parent. ... Buy at Amazon ...... Hawaii and Alaska and everywhere in between, with hot spots in CA ...
Tips and tales in the air, history created to share, all the bumps in the road, for a day or two. Turning pages, moving on, horse and pony shows, classes of love and hate, back on the beach, back with the fires burning, hopes burning bright, on the sands of time. Jewish Wales, whales on land, crooks, cheaters, liars: cows to call, donkeys, sluts, slugs, for free rides.Hats To Wear, Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please.Charles R. Jarrot, thieves, crooks, cheaters, and liars, freaks ...Snakes, Frogs, Hackers.
To teach, to learn, to share the joys and pains, to write the stories of veterans, taken for a ride. Freaks, frogs, fools, dances in the dark, cows to call, dicks, dawgs, dates, faces of New Yorker, cattle to call, hogs and pigs, donkey dates, for free rides. Feed the hogs, feed the dogs in the house, tricks, trades, sex for sale.
This is a story that was sent to me and I wanted to share it with the masses, to see if it was just me or me and this family member, going thought the pain, of the minors being kidnapped by this state agency, and not allowing the kid to return home. Unless the minor likes being in the confinements of Children Protection Services. But Why? Would it be better to work with parents and nuture the life bound that was create with out this agency. Let my kids go. Let my kids get the chance to talk with parents and reunited (of some type, this is not it, and there is nothing in place now).
Help is needed with this issue and the other issues is how can these state workers be held accounable for the crimes that they committ agains minors in court, and on the docoments that are created with they ways to the acturally truth. How is this possible are we still in AMERICAN???!!!!???CALIFORNIA Children Protection Services: FOSTER MOM And CPS WORKERS, BUYS NAZI WEAPONS For KIDS in Foster Care!
Reading materials promotes: NAZI’S & NEO-NAZI'S members, THEIR KNIVES, WEAPONS AND RELATED MATERIAL OF HATE praised thought out CPS Agencies.
Introduction "A".
A. Nazi and Neo-Nazi participants knowingly acting under California's
Department of Child Welfare, In a nutshell includes white and Neo-Nazi extremist and their related hate literature, does in fact exist within the Department of foster child care and the CPS Social workers. CALIFORNIA Children Protection Services: FOSTER MOM And CPS WORKERS, BUYS NAZI WEAPONS For KIDS in Foster Care!
2.1 This material was reported to cps by Christopher B.D'Silva II, it
Was introduced to him by intent as a "threat of violence" and
Revenge and reprisal, if he should he report said activity.
2.2 As stated, Violent and hateful Retaliation, revenge and reprisal fell violently upon the minor Christopher B. D'Silva Nobel Act, in multiple and varied forms,CALIFORNIA Children Protection Services: FOSTER MOM And CPS WORKERS, BUYS NAZI WEAPONS For KIDS in Foster Care!
2.3 Many minors placed minor in a white supremacist
Foster shelter.
3. Nazi, neo-Nazi and illustrated materials of hate were
Discovered in the foster shelter house bearing the
Name and mailing address of the foster adult
in charge and house owner. Owner by a foster minor 15 y/o.
4.Retaliation and reprisal, has been taken upon the
Minor for reporting the extremist and supporters of
Such heinous crimes, to include falsifying records, why not needed or requested?
The Bud Catalog-for the Neo-Nazi para-Miltarycommando: KILLERS!!!This is what was noticed in the publication, hate, and violence publications in the reading materials laying around the house of Julie Lee, foster person in charge of minors for the state.CALIFORNIA Children Protection Services: FOSTER MOM And CPS WORKERS, BUYS NAZI WEAPONS For KIDS in Foster Care!
The mask that was offered for purchase with anyone who could pay the fees requested. Keep in mind, bad people could also use this same mask for stick-ups. You know robbing people at gunpoint perhaps. There are pictures of German High Command, with their SS officers posing for the group pictures. You can also purchase rebel flags, and guns to bring out the gangsters in you. This is something in the best interest of the child? This is acceptable?CALIFORNIA Children Protection Services: FOSTER MOM And CPS WORKERS, BUYS NAZI WEAPONS For KIDS in Foster Care!
The time period that this Julie Lee has worked as some member of the County of Riverside Children Protection Services, has been quite some time. Dixes flags for all the poor minority kids that get stuck in foster care. The charges left in the house and care of Ms. Lee were allowed to open this reading material at will. Several of the state charges were also allowed to choose knifes or they were given what they had available. Please tell me how shopping or reading about how great it was when Hitler? was killing all the Jews that they came across, is in the best interest of the minors in the care of the state?
Christopher D'Silva 2 on September 17, 2010, was placed in Foster Care, because he wanted more attention. He picked a fight with his father hen lied about his father beating him up. As a result he was placed in his Godfather's, Carl Brenagh and wife Lula Brenagh, under there care as stated and recorded in the original documentation for the location of minor Chris D'silva 2.
When the minor was allowed to relocate with the father, ChrisD’Silva 1, it was on the contition that the minor was under the care of his Godparents, Mr. And Mrs. Carl and Lula Brenagh. Also order by the same judge that ordered anger management and other conditions, and the court also appointed RN/Master Counselor. Enclosed is a copy of the orders signed that day by Judge Lawrence Best.
During the initial intake of Jeannette Austin, CPSWorker, wanted to remove Chris D'Silva-the minor would do bodily harm to his father. She expressed hate and disapproval when she found out that this minor was a product of an interracial marriage. The worker also displayed a romance interest in Chris' dad. When her advance were not received in the manner of the desired response she got angry,andwante to harm the parent and child relationship because of the minor's parent lack of desire in her as a person. Jeannette Austin, intentions when she remove the minor from his father's care, was to separate the father and son household. This representative for the state thought it was okay to place a mixed blooded minor in Julie
Lee's household while she promotes Nazis and hatred that the representative.CALIFORNIA Children Protection Services: FOSTER MOM And CPS WORKERS, BUYS NAZI WEAPONS For KIDS in Foster Care!
We do not believe that the actions of the state have been in the best interests of the minor Chris D'Silva 2. The parents of this same minor no longer need or desire the states attentions of CPS and just want their child returned to their care. The grounds have no basic today, all the “facts of this case is closed history”, that was unfounded and thrown out, from the state of Washington. “Why does the CPS of California think it is worth something now? California does not have any history created in California to hold Chris D'Silva 2, with out the documentation they received from Washington State.
The parents of Chris D'Silva 2 want the minor returned to the family community that they created to guide this same minor to adulthood. CALIFORNIA Children Protection Services: FOSTER MOM And CPS WORKERS, BUYS NAZI WEAPONS For KIDS in Foster Care!
Phylliss, Penny, Pain and Pilar Dsilva.Tips and tales in the air, history created to share, all the bumps in the road, for a day or two. Turning pages, moving on, horse and pony shows, classes of love and hate, back on the beach, back with the fires burning, hopes burning bright, on the sands of time. Jewish Wales, whales on land, crooks, cheaters, liars: cows to call, donkeys, sluts, slugs, for free rides.Hats To Wear, Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please.Charles R. Jarrot, thieves, crooks, cheaters, and liars, freaks ...Snakes, Frogs, Hackers.
To teach, to learn, to share the joys and pains, to write the stories of veterans, taken for a ride. Freaks, frogs, fools, dances in the dark, cows to call, dicks, dawgs, dates, faces of New Yorker, cattle to call, hogs and pigs, donkey dates, for free rides. Feed the hogs, feed the dogs in the house, tricks, trades, sex for sale.
760-218-3939,CALIFORNIA Children Protection Services: FOSTER MOM And CPS WORKERS, BUYS NAZI WEAPONS For KIDS in Foster Care!
P.S. Update, minor Chris Dsilva has been moved to another location, Riverside County had place minor in Private Foster Care, and removed minor out of his high school. Parents do not know where child has been relocated to.CALIFORNIA Children Protection Services: FOSTER MOM And CPS WORKERS, BUYS NAZI WEAPONS For KIDS in Foster Care!