Sunday, May 10, 2020

Enough is Enough!!Wake up, people — the coronavirus “pandemic” is a fraud, an invisible, all-purpose enemy to which the government can attribute any dangers it wants to frighten and control us.

When the devil whispers, "You're not good enough," we also hear, "and you never will be." We may not be good enough BUT we WILL be better.Goodness and mercy, dazes of angels, say the other angels on earth, birds and bees, songs to sing. STANDARDS SET,
"Who Let The Dogs Out? 2018 Year Of The Dog. Gentledogs, Bitches In Heat. Hoes, Hares, Honey Makers.

Enough is Enough!!Wake up, people — the coronavirus “pandemic” is a fraud, an invisible, all-purpose enemy to which the government can attribute any dangers it wants to frighten and control us.

The international corporate elite that runs things behind the scenes has taken an illness no more dangerous than the common flu (and probably far less so) and turned it into an excuse for an enormous expansion of government power and an enormous transfer of resources — literally, trillions of dollars — from the citizens to the corporate elite.

When the devil whispers, "You're not good enough," we also hear, "and you never will be." We may not be good enough BUT we WILL be better.Goodness and mercy, dazes of angels, say the other angels on earth, birds and bees, songs to sing. STANDARDS SET,
"Who Let The Dogs Out? 2018 Year Of The Dog. Gentledogs, Bitches In Heat. Hoes, Hares, Honey Makers.

Enough is Enough!!Wake up, people — the coronavirus “pandemic” is a fraud, an invisible, all-purpose enemy to which the government can attribute any dangers it wants to frighten and control us.

Love out doors, love the beach, love walks on the beach. I am an active skier. Enjoy a day on the water. Sunsets are a favorite. I enjoy listening to music, live or not - all types of music. Enjoy having meaningful conversations. I’m looking for someone to enjoy life. I travel a lot and would love to find a travel partner. I’m a foodie, breakfast, lunch and romantic dinners. My business life is focused on cars, specifically race cars.

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